Gag's Camper Way, Inc.
55151 210th Lane
Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 345-5858
(800) 714-7895


Official PayPal Seal We offer online payments with Paypal. Click Here.

2 Miles South of Mankato on Highway 169

(507) 345-5858

(800) 714-7895

We have 4 buildings to serve your self storage needs. Our mini storage buildings are all metal and feature a roll up door with a lock and key provided. You can store many household type items inside the storage lockers and have 24 hour access. The storage buildings have lights on the outside for security and ease of access in the evening. You can call or stop in to reserve a storage locker during normal business hours. We have several storage units available and usually have open units. Or you can reserve in advance and guarantee yourself a storage locker up to three months in advance. See our new Mini-Storage website at

Very Competitive Storage Rates

5x10   Only $45.00/mo.
10x10  Only $75.00/mo.
10x20  Only $100.00/mo.
10x30  Only $140.00/mo.



Mailing Address

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Mailing Address

Gag's Mini Storage

55151 210th Lane

Mankato, MN 56001


Email Us

Please fill in the following form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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